Monday, February 14, 2011

Response to Blog Prompt 2

Lucy Lippard draws the correlation between land and spirituality as“ the relationship between religion and land is often forgotten in modern belief systems. Yet even the religions that have been carried across the oceans and around the world bear imprint of their original places-“ (page 108) The land tells a story, and many other stories, it holds the spirits and truths of its people, and although the land may belong to someone else later in time, it still holds meaning to it’s people. The Native Americans recognize land as a symbol of belonging and home. Native American artists portray the land in their work as something other than nature. They portray the land in the way they see it both figuratively and literally. “Even deracinated Native Americans, do not, in general treat the land in their work the same way the average white artist does.” (page 112) Lippard explains “landing” in this chapter as not only a piece of nature but a piece of the people it belongs to. The land brings the indigenous people spirit, health, food, life, and a sense of home. She also mentions how the culture of the people also ties into the land. The culture of the lands people helps to identify its people, religion, and home.

The conversations we had about Islam and Christianity in Tuesday’s class was very educational. The most interesting part about the two presentations we witnessed from two individuals that identified with their religion was eye opening. Both presented their religion in two different views, the view of the general public of their religion, and their religion to who they are and for what they see it as. The discussion post presentations made me question my knowledge of all the discrimination in today’s society. Most people recognize stereotypes and discrimination as it refers to themselves, and their lives. But when you see someone present the horrid words used to describe their people it makes you wonder how you can change how others view and speak about people. Like Professor Scott says, we all need to give each other a “freaking” break. But overall the discussion was enlightening, esp. as someone that doesn’t practice religion, and knows little about the Islamic religion it was educational. I would have never assumed that some girls and women that practice Islam made a choice to cover themselves. But again, that is what we don’t know as outsiders, and the assumptions we make of others.


  1. Lucy Lippard is referring to the relationship that all Indians had with the land that they lived, farmed, and that sustained them. Indians lived a very different life than any other culture in that a major portion of their culture was having a relationship with the land and the spirits. The author writes, “Because Native Americans artists live today in two places at once, in a mysterious synchronicity or “extended present” their art is far more complex than realized by a public (page 108). Many people do not understand the art of Native Americans but if you take a deeper look you will be able to see and further identify that their art is about the relationship with their land. From examining the photo by Santa Barraza you will see that the baby is on the ground and the crib is around the plant.
    The conversation we had about Christianity versus Islam at last class was one of the most enlightening and educational experiences I think I have had in an extremely long time. I felt as though there were no barriers and that we could speak freely about religion which is obviously something that cannot be planned and having the conversation turn to this was wonderful. I learned that it is mostly a choice for women to wear traditional Islamic clothing and that instead of the thought that women of the Islamic culture being very obedient I was blown away by the women in our class that spoke on behalf of the culture. I never thought that Islam was a bad thing however the only things that I knew of the religion I learned second hand and mostly from television.
    Just as Chelsea said, quoted from Professor Scott, “I think we all just need to give each other a freaking break.” I loved when professor said this and it really made me think what would happen and where our world is headed. It really scared me that if we don’t just give each other a break were not going to be able to progress in this world and stop on the nonsense fighting. What kind of world do we live in?

  2. “Landing” blog:

    Upon reading this chapter, I learned when Lucy Lippard refers to “landing” it is not always a matter of an actual geographic location. It can be a process of change, being sent away from your hometown and you are not satisfied about it. Some examples she used in the book were artwork of the Native American that were forced off their land. This is portrayed in the pieces with the history being described in the work without the viewer actually realizing it. The work that shows an example of this is on page 107. This image is of a portrait of an Indian woman as an image of resistance. A part of the drawing that I thought was interesting was the print of the background, which was the artist revealing the destruction of the Indian lands and scared sites in favor of productive but ultimately destructive technology.

    I thought the conversation we had on Tuesday about Christianity and Islam were very interesting. Even though I was familiar with the Islamic portion of the class because I myself am Muslim, I still learned more about the head scarf. I knew it was a choice to wear the scarf, however, I did not realize that it is such a hard decision to “take it off” and not wear anymore. I was surprised that one of the girls shared her story and that it took her a few years to decide to remove it.

    Someone did a presentation about Christianity and the thing that I learned was the stereotype of Christianity. I did not realize that some people might consider Christianity as a conservative and judgmental religion. I have never seen it in that way, but it was an educational class last Tuesday to learn about different religions and identities of other people.

  3. You all are doing a good job. for the next time, let's try for 100 percent participation! But I definitely think the conversations here are productive!
